Italian author and critic, born at Libenica, Dalmatia, on the 9th of October 1802. He studied law in Milan, Padua, and finally in Florence. Here certain articles were wrongfully ascribed to him and he had to leave; went to France, 1834; to Corsica in 1838; and then to Venice, where he remained ten years. In 1848 he was imprisoned; was liberated by the people; became minister of instruction, and later envoy to Paris under the provisional government, but on the return of the Austrians in 1849 retired to Corfu. In 1854 he went to Turin, where he was elected a deputy in 1860, but resigned; and in 1861 removed to Florence, where he remained, busied with literary works, in spite of his blindness, until his death, on the 1st of May 1874. Among his works are Dizionario dei Sinonimi (1830); Commento a Dante (1837); the novel Il duca d’Atene (1837); Canti Popolari Toscani, Corsi, Illirici, Greci (1841–42); Rome et le Monde (1841); Le Lettere di Santa Catarina de Siena (1860); Nuovi Sludi su Dante (1865); Storia Civile nello Litteraria (1872).