[Nikolaus Horthy de Nagybánya].  Regent of Hungary in 1920–21, formerly an Austro-Hungarian naval officer, born on the 18th of June 1868 of a Hungarian family of Calvinist gentry. During the World War he distinguished himself, as captain of the battleship “Novara,” by raids on the Italians in the Adriatic. He was adjutant to the Emperor-King Charles, and as Admiral and Commander of the Fleet he surrendered, at the Imperial command, the Austro-Hungarian fleet to the Jugoslavs when Austria collapsed. During the rule of the Soviet in Budapest he organized in Szeged the counter-revolutionary troops, at whose head he marched to Budapest after the fall of the Soviet republic on November 16, 1919, and took over the Supreme military command in Hungary. As the exercise of the Royal power by King Charles IV. was interrupted during the revolutions and on account of foreign complications, Adml. Horthy was, under Article 1 of the law of January 1, 1920, elected regent on March 1, 1920. This highest position in Hungary he was to occupy indefinitely until otherwise directed by the National Assembly.