Russian novelist, born in South Russia on the 18th of October 1878. His family was of Tartar descent, and on the mother’s side he was a great-grandson of Kościuszko. He at first followed an artistic career, and attained some fame as a caricaturist, but subsequently began writing short stories, followed by novels. In 1912 he was imprisoned for several months by the Imperial Government as a revolutionary.


  His collected works were published in Moscow in 10 vols., 1912–17, and contain:—Razskazi (Tales); U poslednei chertiy (At the Extreme Limit, translated into English as The Breaking Point, 1915); Zakon dikarya (The Law of a Misanthrope); Revnost (Jealousy); Voina (War, translated into English 1918 under the same title) and Sanin (translated into English as Sanine, 1915). See also The Millionaire.