Peruvian soldier and statesman, born in Cajamarca, Peru. Wealthy by inheritance, he received a careful education and studied law; was several times elected a Deputy, 1861–76; he became Senator in 1879; was appointed Minister of War by Dictator Pierola in December 1879; he defended Lima valiantly, but unsuccessfully, against the Chileans. After the complete defeat of the Peruvians, he was placed at the head of the peace party that overthrew Pierola; having assumed the Presidency, he signed the treaty of peace with Chile, October 20, 1883. The Chambers ratified the treaty, although it gave up everything to the conquerors. Caceres raised the standard of revolt, and, having captured Lima, December 1, 1885, after a long period of alternate successes and defeats, forced Iglesias to resign pending a Presidential election. It was held in June 1886 and resulted in favor of Caceres; his rival left the country and settled in Europe.