[Mahommed].  Sultan of Turkey, born at Topkapu on the 3rd of November 1844, a younger son of the Sultan ‘Abdul Mejid (1823–1861). He led a quiet and retired life, and suffered at times considerably from the jealousy and suspicion of his elder brother, the Sultan Abdul Hamid II. On the deposition of Abdul Hamid he was invested as caliph (April 27, 1909). He was for the most part merely a tool in the hands of the Committee of Union and Progress, and though he was supposed to dislike the pro-German policy of Enver Pasha, he was unable to take any effective steps to oppose him. He died at Yildiz on the 3rd of July 1918, and was succeeded by his brother Vahid-ed-Din (1861–1926), who took the title of Mahommed [Mehmed] VI.