Novelist and popular writer for the young. She was born, of Scotch parentage, at Rotterdam, and her childhood was passed in Manchester, Scotland and Switzerland. She began to write when very young, and her first attempts were published when she was only sixteen. Her first complete works were written under the pseudonym “Ennis Graham,” when she was about twenty-four. When she was about thirty she began to write for children, and was at once successful, and has since held foremost rank in this department. She contributed largely, also, to the better class of juvenile magazines. She wrote Not Without Thorns; Cicily; Hathercourt Rectory; That Girl in Black; and contributed children’s stories to The Child’s Pictorial, some of which afterward were published under the titles Twelve Tiny Tales; The Abbey by the Sea; and The Little Old Portrait. Later stories are Mother Bunch; An Enchanted Garden (1892); Hollow Tree House, and Other Stories (1894); and The Laurel Walk (1898).