[Manoel].  Ex-King of Portugal, born at Lisbon on the 15th of November 1889, the younger son of Carlos I. by his wife Marie Amélie of Orléans. On the assassination of King Carlos and of the crown prince Luis, Duke of Braganza, February 1, 1908, Dom Manoel succeeded to the throne of Portugal, but he only retained it for a short time, as the revolution of October 3, 1910, forced him to fly the country. He took refuge with his mother in England, and finally settled at Fulwell Park, Twickenham. On September 4, 1913, he was married at Sigmaringen to Princess Augusta Victoria of Hohenzollern (b. Aug. 19, 1890), daughter of Prince Wilhelm of Hohenzollern. Dom Manoel supported the Portuguese royalist risings of 1911 and 1912, and in the latter year met the pretender to the Portuguese throne, Dom Miguel, at Dover in order to concert a common plan of action. On the outbreak of the World War, however, he appealed to all classes of his former subjects to lay aside political feelings and unite against the common enemy.