German genre painter, born at Wiesbaden, on the 10th of October 1829; entered the Düsseldorf School of the Fine Arts, where he studied under Sohn and Schadow. He then went to Paris, and, with the exception of one year spent in Italy, lived there for eight years, perfecting himself in the technical part of his art by close study of modern French masters. His Promenade was honored with a place in the National Gallery of the Luxembourg in 1855. His first important pictures were The Golden Wedding (1858) and The Christening (1859). In the following year he returned to Wiesbaden, but in 1861 went to Berlin, in 1866 to Düsseldorf, whence, in 1874, he once more returned to Berlin, in order to fill an important post in the Academy. Besides the above-named works may be mentioned Funeral in a Hessian Village (1871); His Excellency Traveling, The Village Musician; The Inn (1876); The Refractory Model (1877); Solomon’s Wisdom (1878); and A Peep behind the Scenes (1880), the last of which created a great deal of interest in Düsseldorf. Several of his best works are owned in America, among them Priest and Poacher. Other good examples were sold at high prices at the Wolfe and Latham sales in New York.