[Baron].  Austrian general, born in Jena on the 19th of July 1814. His first military service was in the army of Saxony. He engaged in the Austrian service as captain in 1833, and became colonel in 1848. He was for several years employed in the government executive and diplomatic service. He next attracted public attention by his conduct at the battles of Solferino and Caoriana in 1859. He was made lieutenant-marshal in 1863, and commanded the Austrian wing of the Prusso-Austrian army in the Schleswig-Holstein campaign against the Danes in 1864. He was, for a time, governor of Holstein, and after seeing active service in 1866 in the Austro-Prussian war, and negotiating the terms of peace with Prussia, retired from the army until 1867, when he again took the field, and in 1869 became the commanding general of Hungary. He retired permanently in 1871. Crazed by financial losses, he killed himself at Zurich on the 28th of January 1874.