Roman jurist, the tutor in law of the emperor Marcus Aurelius. When governor of Alexandria he was slain by the soldiers, as having participated in the rebellion of Avidius Cassius (175). Maecianus was the author of works on trusts (Fideicommissa), on the Judicia publica, and of a collection of the Rhodian laws relating to maritime affairs. His treatise on numerical divisions, weights and measures (Distributio) is extant, with the exception of the concluding portion.


  See Capitolinus, Antoninus, 3; Vulcacius Gallicanus, Avidius Cassius, 7; edition of the metrological work by F. Hultsch in Metrologicorum scriptorum reliquiae, ii. (1866); Mommsen in Abhandlungen der sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, iii. (1853).