[Louis Nicolas].  French man of letters, born in Paris on the 19th of October 1822. His versatile genius occupied itself in turn with chemistry, poetry, painting and history. In 1843 he published, under the pseudonym of L. de Senneville, a translation of Prométhée délivré. Turning to chemistry, he discovered collodion in 1846, but its value was not recognized at the time; and its application later to surgery and photography brought him no advantage. Louis Ménard was a socialist, always in advance of the reform movements of his time. After 1848 he was condemned to imprisonment for his Prologue d’une révolution. He escaped to London, returning to Paris only in 1852. Until 1860 he occupied himself with classical studies, the fruits of which are to be seen in his Poèmes (1855), Polythéisme hellénique (1863), and two academic theses, De sacra poesi graecorum and La Morale avant les philosophes (1860). The next ten years Ménard spent chiefly among the Barbizon artists, and he exhibited several pictures. He was in London at the time of the Commune, and defended it with his pen. In 1887 he became professor at the École des Arts décoratifs, and in 1895 professor of universal history at the Hôtel de Ville in Paris. His Rêveries d’un païen mystique (1876), which contained sonnets, philosophical dialogues and some stories, was followed in 1896 by Poëmes et rêveries d’un païen mystique. Ménard died in Paris on the 12th of February 1901.


  His works include the following: Histoire des anciens peuples de l’Orient (1882); Histoire des Israélites d’après l’exégèse biblique (1883), and Histoire des Grecs (1884–1886). There is an appreciation of Ménard in the opening chapter of Maurice Barrès’s Voyage de Sparte.