French marshal, born at Nancy on the 17th of November 1854. He entered St. Cyr in 1873 and two years later was appointed a sub-lieutenant. He was nominated to the old staff corps (Corps d’État-Major), but when that corps was abolished transferred to the cavalry, with which he served chiefly in Algeria until 1894. He became a lieutenant in 1878, a captain in 1882 and major in 1893. In 1894 he was made chief-of-staff to Gen. Gallieni, and took part in the operations in the upper valley of the Song-Caw in 1895 and against the pirates of Upper Tonkin in 1896. In the latter year he went with Gen. Gallieni to Madagascar and took an important part in restoring French domination in that island. He was promoted lieutenant-colonel in 1898 and colonel in 1900. He returned from Madagascar to France in 1902 and was given command of the 14th Regt. of Hussars. On October 9, 1903, he was promoted general of brigade and four years later (July 30, 1907) was made a substantive divisional general and placed in command of the Oran division. On April 28, 1912, he was appointed resident general and commissioner in Morocco—an appointment which he held continuously until December 1916, when he relinquished it, against his own wish, to become Minister for War under M. Briand’s premiership. He resigned his portfolio in March 1917 and thereby precipitated the fall of the Briand Cabinet. He then returned to continue his work in Morocco. He was admitted to the French Academy in 1912. He received the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour on September 17, 1913, and was made a marshal of France in February 1921 in reward for his great services as a soldier-proconsul in that North African empire which many Frenchmen regard as the future basis of their national power.