Born at Versailles on the 6th of August 6, 1775. He was the eldest son of Charles X. of France, (Comte d’Artois) and Maria Theresa of Savoy, Princess of Sardinia. In 1792 he led a force of French into Germany, but made a failure of the campaign, and was banished. He remained in exile until 1814, when, with the allies, he returned to France, entering Bordeaux, under British protection, March 12th. When Napoleon returned from Elba he was sent in haste, with such forces as he could collect, to oppose him; but he failed in the attempt, was deserted by his troops, and sent as a prisoner to Barcelona. Subsequently he invaded Spain in 1823, and restored Ferdinand VII. to power. In the Revolution of July 1830, he and his father were sent into exile. He died at Görlitz on the 3rd of June 1844.


  His wife, Marie Thérèse Charlotte, Duchesse d’Angoulême, was born at Versailles on the 19th of December 1778. She was a daughter of Louis XVI., and was, with her father and her mother, the hapless Marie Antoinette, confined in the Temple. Released in 1795 in exchange for sansculottes captured by the Austrians, she spent many years in exile. She died in Vienna on the 19th of October 1851.