[Ludwig].  Ex-King of Bavaria, assumed the regency in succession to his father on the 12th of December 1912. In accordance with the bill passed by the Bavarian Diet he assumed the crown on November 5, 1913 (King Otto, who had been kept in confinement as a lunatic, died on Oct. 11, 1916). On the afternoon of November 7, 1918, the King was taking a walk with his daughters in the Englischer Garten, unconscious of the fact that the Socialist demonstration organized by Eisner on the Theresienwiese was developing into a revolution. A plain man of the people met the King and said to him: “Get home as quickly as you can, your Majesty, things are not going well.” Later in the evening the monarch was informed by his ministers that the republic had been proclaimed. With the Queen and his daughters the King promptly left Munich in one of his motor-cars, the whole luggage consisting of a few handbags. The royal family resided first at Berchtesgaden, and afterwards at a castle assigned to them on the shores of the Chiem See. On November 13th he formally signed his abdication, and relieved all Bavarian officials, officers and soldiers from their oath of allegiance. He died at Sarvar, Hungary, on the 17th of October 1921.