[Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron Dunsany].  Irish author, born in London on the 24th of July 1878 and educated at Eton and Sandhurst. He entered the army, holding a commission in the 1st batt. Coldstream Guards, and served in the South African War. He was transferred to the Reserve Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers and was wounded in the World War, April 25, 1916. He unsuccessfully contested W. Wiltshire in the Conservative interest in 1906.


  Amongst his prose works may be mentioned The Gods of Pegana (1905); Time and the Gods (1906); The Sword of Welleran (1908); A Dreamer’s Tales (1910); Tales of War (1918); Unhappy Far-off Things (1919); Tales of Three Hemispheres (1920). His plays include The Glittering Gate (1909); King Argimenes (1911); The Gods of the Mountain (1911); The Golden Doom (1912); A Night at an Inn (1916) and If (1921). See also “Songs from an Evil Wood.”