[Linus Pierpont].  American author, born at Canton, CT, on the 16th of October 1820; studied at Brown University and graduated in medicine at Yale in 1843. After practicing medicine he engaged in the publishing business in Hartford, and from 1857 devoted his whole time to writing. Among his works are History and Progress of Education (1859); The Philanthropic Results of the Civil War (1864); The Life and Times of Abraham Lincoln (1865); Asiatic Cholera (1866); Our Great Captains (1866); Grant and Colfax (1868); Men of Our Day (1868); The Year of Battles, or the Franco-Prussian War (1871); Walter Powell, the Thorough Business Man (1872); The Silk Industry of America (1876); Our Western Empire (1881). He died in Brooklyn on the 13th of January 1893.