[Lydia Kamakeha].  Ex-Queen of Hawaii, born on the 2nd of December 1838. She was the eldest sister of King Kalakaua, and when he left the islands for a visit to the United States she became regent. After his death in San Francisco she was proclaimed queen, January 29, 1891. She attempted to abolish the constitution of 1887, and to reign as an absolute monarch, and thereby aroused the opposition of the liberal party in the kingdom, which consisted largely of white emigrants from the United States. A committee of public safety was formed by the latter, who proclaimed her deposed and the monarchy abolished, January 17, 1893. In the winter of 1895 an insurrection occurred, with the purpose of reinstating her, but the movement was quelled, and the ex-Queen arrested. She afterward resigned all pretensions to the throne, and took the oath of allegiance to the republic. Queen Lilioukalani was married to John O. Dominis, an American from Boston, who died in 1891.