English actor, born in Spain, his father being a civil engineer. He first appeared on the London stage in 1883, at Toole’s, and for some years added to his reputation as a capable actor in London and the provinces. He came more particularly to the front by a fine performance as Buckingham in The Three Musketeers under Mr. Beerbohm Tree’s management at His Majesty’s in 1895, and soon afterwards organized a company of his own, first at the Haymarket and afterwards at the Shaftesbury, Imperial, Apollo and other theatres. His fine voice and vigorous acting were well suited in his memorable production of Henry V., and he had a great success with Monsieur Beaucaire and similar plays. He died at Nottingham whilst on tour on the 1st of November 1915, shortly after making a striking success at Wyndham’s theatre, London, in Gamblers All. His wife, Mrs. Lewis Waller (Florence West), also became well known as a powerful and accomplished actress. She died on the 14th of November 1912.