French writer, son of Alphonse Daudet, born in Paris on the 16th of November 1867. He was educated at the lycée Louis le Grand, and afterwards studied medicine, a profession which he abandoned in 1894 for that of literature. He wrote many short stories and novels, and has also contributed to the Figaro, Gaulois and Libre Parole. He is an ardent royalist in politics, and was one of the group which in 1908 founded the royalist organ L’Action Française. He published in 1898 a Life of his father, and among his other works may be mentioned Les Morticoles (1894); Les Deux Étreintes (1901); La Déchéance (1904); Les Primaires (1906); La Lutte (1907) and L’Avant Guerre (1913). He produced various essays on the World War, and his latest novels include La Vermine du Monde (1916); Le Bonheur d’être Riche (1917); Le Cœur et l’Absence (1917) and Dans la Lumière (1919).


  See R. Guillou, Léon Daudet (1918).