American painter, born at Warren, OH, on the 27th of October 1856, being the son of Gen. Jacob Dolson Cox. He was a pupil of Carolus-Duran and of J. L. Gérôme in Paris from 1877 to 1882, when he opened a studio in New York, subsequently teaching with much success in the Art Students’ League. His earlier work was mainly of the nude drawn with great academic correctness in somewhat conventional colour. Receiving little encouragement for such pictures, he turned to mural decorative work, in which he achieved prominence. Among his better-known examples are the frieze for the court room of the Appellate Court, New York, and decorations for the Walker Art Gallery, Bowdoin College; for the Capitol at Saint Paul, MN, and for other public and private buildings. He wrote with much authority on art topics, and is the author of the critical reviews, Old Masters and New (1905) and Painters and Sculptors (1907), besides some poems. He became a National Academician in 1903. In 1910 he was awarded the medal of honour for mural painting by the Architectural League. In 1911 he published The Classic Point of View, being lectures delivered that year before the Chicago Art Institute. Other works are Artist and Public (1914, largely reprints from periodicals); Winslow Homer (1914) and Concerning Painting (1917). He died in New York, on the 17th of March 1919. His wife, née Louise H. King (1865–1945), whom he married in 1892, also became a figure and portrait-painter of note.