Jewish rabbi, born in Hungary in 1835, and died at Munich in 1894. He was one of the first rabbis trained at the new type of seminary (Breslau). Perles’s most important essays were on folklore and custom. There is much that is striking and original in his history of marriage (Die jüdische Hochzeit in nachbiblischer Zeit, 1860), and of mourning customs (Die Leichenfeierlichkeiten im nachbiblischen Judenthum, 1861), his contributions to the sources of the Arabian Nights (Zur rabbinische Sprach- und Sagenkunde, 1873), and his notes on rabbinic antiquities (Beiträge zur rabbinischen Sprach- und Altertumskunde, 1893). Perles’s essays are rich in suggestiveness, and have been the starting-point of much fruitful research. He also wrote an essay on Naḥmanides, and a biography and critical appreciation of Rashba (1863).