Swedish botanist, born in 1748. By his uncle, Dr. Lars Montin, to whom his education was entrusted, he was sent to the university of Gothenburg, whence he removed to Lund. After taking his degree there in 1776, he studied at Upsala under Linnaeus, and then became for a time tutor to a young Swedish nobleman. He next visited England, and, on the death of his friend Dr. Daniel Charles Solander (1736–1782), succeeded him as librarian to Sir Joseph Banks. He was librarian to the Royal Society and also to the Linnaean Society. Of the latter, in 1788, he was one of the founders, and, when it was incorporated by royal charter in 1802, he took a leading part in drawing up its laws and regulations. He was vice-president of the society till his death, which took place in London on the 19th of October 1810. Besides papers in the Transactions of the Linnaean and other societies, Dryander published Dissertatio gradualis fungos regno vegetabili vindicans (Lund, 1776), and Catalogus bibliothecae historico-naturalis Josephi Banks, Bart. (London, 1796–1800, 5 vols.). He also edited the first and part of the second edition of W. Aiton’s Hortus Kewensis and W. Roxburgh’s Plants of the Coast of Coromandel.