[pen-name of Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard].  English novelist, born on the 13th of January 1856, the daughter of the Rev. H. V. Palmer, rector of St. Margaret’s, York. She early began to write fiction for different magazines, producing sentimental stories, chiefly of army life. Two of these, Booties’ Baby and Houp-la, which appeared originally in The Graphic in 1885, established her reputation, and she became a prolific novelist, producing some sixty other light and amusing books, the best of which deal with military life. An indefatigable journalist on matters affecting women, she was the first president of the Writers’ Club (1892), and presided from 1901 to 1903 over the Society of Women Journalists. She married in 1884 Arthur Stannard, a civil engineer. She died in London on the 13th of December 1911.