English journalist, born at Sutton Court, Somersetshire, on the 9th of February 1860, the second son of Sir Edward Strachey, 3rd Bart., and Mary Isabella, daughter of John Addington Symonds. He was educated at Balliol College, Oxford, graduating with a first-class in modern history, and was subsequently called to the bar; but he adopted journalism as his profession from the age of twenty-four. In 1886 he became assistant editor of the Spectator, and after the death of R. H. Hutton (1897) and the retirement of Meredith Townsend (1898) he became proprietor of the paper, which under his editorship not only maintained but increased the high reputation it had gained for sober political criticism and well-informed appreciation of art and literature, so that he exercised great influence upon English opinion. St. Loe Strachey also edited (1896–97) the Cornhill Magazine. He was specially interested in problems of rural housing, pauperism and local government generally. Amongst his publications are the following: The Manufacture of Paupers (1907); Problems and Perils of Socialism (1908); The Practical Wisdom of the Bible (1908); A New Way of Life (1909).