Governor-general of India, born on the 8th of October 1751, the son of Thomas Shore, a supercargo in the service of the East India Company. He was educated at Harrow, and went out to India as a writer in the Bengal Civil Service in 1769. He became a member of the Supreme Council (1787–89), in which capacity he assisted Lord Cornwallis in introducing many reforms, but did not approve his permanent settlement of Bengal. On the retirement of Cornwallis, he was appointed governor-general (1793–98), adopting a policy of non-interference, but deposed Wazir Ali, for whom he substituted Saadat Ali as nawab of Oudh. His term of office was also signalized by a mutiny of the officers of the Indian army, which he met with concessions. He was created a baronet in 1792, and Baron Teignmouth in the peerage of Ireland in 1798. On his retirement from India he was appointed member of the board of control (1807–28), and was for many years president of the British and Foreign Bible Society. He died on the 14th of February 1834.


  See Memoirs of Lord Teignmouth, by his son (1843).