English author and theatrical manager; born in London, on the 9th of September 1827. He joined the staff of Household Words in 1857; was a constant contributor to that periodical and to All the Year Round, Cornhill Magazine, Good Words, and Once a Week. From 1859 to 1864 he published several volumes of essays and stories, chiefly on life in London. He wrote several original dramatic pieces; among them, Rubbing the Gilt Off and Rough Diamonds. He was for ten years the dramatic critic of the Daily News, London Review, etc., and became a member of the Dramatic Authors’ Society. Mr. Hollingshead opened the Gaiety Theatre, in the Strand, in December 1868. He had three metropolitan theaters under his direction at one time, with the most powerful combination of actors in London. He was also the director of the principal theater in Manchester. In 1879 he induced the whole Comédie Française to visit London and play for six weeks at the Gaiety.