English educator and art critic, born in York, England, in 1846; graduated from Oxford, and was Slade professor of fine art in the University of Cambridge for several years after 1866, and a lecturer at the Royal Academy, London. At the time of his death, in June 1896, he was art director at the South Kensington Museum; author of Ancient Rome (1888); The Engraved Gems of Classical Times (1891); Illuminated Manuscripts in Classical and Mediæval Times (1892). He prepared a number of monographs for this Encyclopædia, and wrote many articles for artistic and antiquarian periodicals. (See authored articles: Orcagna, Pinturicchio, Raphael, Ernst Rietschel, della Robbia, Sangallo, Andrea del Verrocchio, Vitruvius, Sir Christopher Wren, Zuccaro.)