Austrian philosopher and pedagogist, born in Liprik, Galicia, Austria, on the 21st of July 1848. He received his education at the universities of Vienna, Jena and Leipsic, and was successively docent at Jena (1876–79), professor extraordinary at Jena (1879–83), professor of philosophy at Basel (1883–89), at Würzburg (1889–94), and then became professor of philosophy and pedagogy at Leipsic. He is a leader in the school of liberal educational thought, as his lectures and works show. He published Das Unbewusste und der Pessimismus (1873); Der Symbol-Begriff in der neuesten Æsthetik (1876); Kritische Grundlegung der Erkenntnistheorie (1886); Franz Grillparzer als Dichter des Tragischen (1888); and Vorträge zur Einführung in die Philosophie der Gegenwart (1892).