[real name, Johann Everts].  Latin poet, born at The Hague on the 10th of November 1511. He was descended from an ancient family in the Netherlands; his father, Nicholas Everts, or Everard, seems to have been high in the favour of the emperor Charles V. On what account the son was called Secundus is not known. His father intended him for the law; but though he took his degree at Bourges it does not appear that he devoted much time to legal pursuits. Poetry, painting and sculpture engaged his mind at a very early period. In 1533 he went to Spain, and soon afterwards became secretary to the cardinal-archbishop of Toledo, in a department of business which required no other qualification than that of writing Latin with elegance. During this period he composed his most famous work, the Basia, a series of amatory poems, of which the fifth, seventh, and ninth Carmina of Catullus seem to have given the hint. In 1534 he accompanied Charles V. to the siege of Tunis. After quitting the service of the archbishop, Secundus was employed as secretary by the bishop of Utrecht; and so much did he distinguish himself by his compositions that he was called upon to fill the important post of private Latin secretary to the emperor, who was then in Italy. But, having arrived at St. Amand, near Tournay, he died of fever on the 8th of October 1536. See also “Hymn to the Kiss.”