American general, born at Wheeling, WV, on the 20th of June 1823. Appointed cadet from Pennsylvania, he graduated at West Point Academy in 1846, and entered the ordnance department. He was engaged in the Mexican war, and by his gallantry won brevets at Cerro Gordo and Chapultepec, being wounded at the latter. He was afterward assistant professor of mathematics at West Point, and was employed in the Coast Survey and on other duty. He was ordnance officer in Gen. A. Sidney Johnston’s expedition to Utah. On the outbreak of the Civil War he remained faithful in his allegiance, and in November 1861, he was made brigadier-general or volunteers. He took part in Burnside’s expedition to North Carolina, fought at Roanoke Island, and assisted in the capture of New Berne. In July 1862, he was ordered to reinforce McClellan’s army, and he afterward joined Gen. Pope’s army. Having command of the Ninth Corps, he fought near Manassas. When McClellan was again appointed to the chief command, Reno was in the advance and engaged the enemy at South Mountain, MD, September 14, 1862. By his gallantry and activity he contributed to the victory, but was killed before the close of the day.