American missionary, born in Champlain, NY, in April 1794. He graduated at the University of Vermont in 1816, and became a Congregational minister. He removed to Washington, DC, where he joined the American Colonization Society, and was made editor of the Theological Repertory. He took charge of a reinforcement for the colony at Liberia, on the western coast of Africa, for liberated slaves, and sailed on June 19, 1822, finding the colony in a rueful state of disorder and demoralization, and threatened by formidable enemies. He at once set about the task of reorganization, and in November repulsed the attack of 800 savages with only 35 men and boys, and defeated a much greater number a few days later with the same force. He continued his labors for six years, when he was compelled to return home on account of ill health, leaving a prosperous colony. He died a few weeks after his arrival, in New Haven, CT, on the 25th of August 1828.