French traveller, born at Saint-Just-la-Pendue, near Raonne, France, and educated at Tarare (dept. Rhone). In 1858 he went to Egypt as a trader, and from thence to China. His trading journeys took him into many previously unexplored parts of southern China, and in 1871–72 his efforts opened up the Song-koi or Red river to commerce. The foundations of the French possessions in Tongking were thereby laid and Dupuis did much to assist in the conquest of the country. His explorations are described in the following works: L’Ouverture du fleuve Rouge au commerce (1879); Les origines de la question du Tong-kin (1896); Le Tong-kin et l’intervention française (1898) and Le Tong-kin de 1872 à 1886 (1910). Dupuis was in 1881 awarded the Delalande Guérineau prize by the Academy of Sciences in Paris. He died at Monaco on the 28th of November 1912.