[Januarius Aloysius].  American newspaper correspondent and author, born near New Lexington, Perry County, OH, on the 12th of June 1844; worked on his father’s farm, taught school, and in 1864 went to St. Louis, MO. Here he wrote news-letters to the Huntington Democrat. In 1869 he went to Europe, and in 1870 was engaged as the New York Herald special correspondent. As such he followed General Bourbaki on his retreat in the Franco-Prussian War, and accompanied the Russian expedition against Khiva in 1873, publishing his experiences under the title of Campaigning on the Oxus and the Fall of Khiva (1874). In 1874 he went to Spain to report the Carlist war, and in the following year accompanied Captain Allen Young on his voyage in the Pandora to the Arctic seas. In 1876 he became the correspondent of the London Daily News, and wrote, for that paper, accounts of the Turkish massacres in Bulgaria, and later the events of the Russo-Turkish War. He published, besides the work mentioned, Under Northern Lights (1876), an account of his Arctic voyage; and Turkish Atrocities in Bulgaria (1876). He died in Constantinople on the 10th of June 1878.