[Lady Ellenborough].  Daughter of Admiral Sir John Digby and a noted heroine of the modern Chronique Scandaleuse; born in 1807, and in 1824 married Edward Law, Earl of Ellenborough. She was divorced for cause in 1830, and within two years married Baron Venningen. She afterward married a Greek general, who deserted her. In 1855 sne lelt Athens for the East, and on the road to Palmyra met the Arab chief Midjouel and married him. This peculiar union seemed the most stable for this woman of many marriages. Midjouel spent half the year with his “Ianthe,” as she styled herself, and the remainder with his harem in the desert, where she visited him once a month. She lived this curious desert life to the end of her checkered career, and died in September 1881. Kinglake dealt with her curious life in his Eothen, and thus preserved her memory from oblivion.