American lawyer and historian, born in West Cambridge (now Arlington), MA, on the 20th of March 1839, the son of William Schouler (1814–1872), who from 1847 to 1853 edited the Boston Atlas, one of the leading Whig journals of New England. The son graduated at Harvard in 1859, studied law in Boston and was admitted to the bar there in 1862. In 1869 he removed to Washington, where for three years he published the United States Jurist. After his return to Boston, in 1874, he devoted himself to office practice and to literary pursuits. He was a lecturer in the law school of Boston University between 1885 and 1903, a non-resident professor and lecturer in the National University Law School, Washington, DC, in 1887–1909, and a lecturer on American history and constitutional law at Johns Hopkins University in 1891–1908. In 1896–1897 he was president of the American Historical Association. His legal treatises are The Law of Domestic Relations (1870), The Law of Personal Property (1872–1876; new ed., 1907), The Law of Bailments (1880), The Law of Executors and Administrators (1883), The Law of Husband and Wife (1882) and The Law of Wills (1910). He is best known, however, as an historian; his most important work being a History of the United States under the Constitution, 1789–1865 (6 vols., 1880–1899). Among his other publications are A Life of Thomas Jefferson (1893); Historical Briefs (1896), containing a biography of Mr. Schouler; Constitutional Studies, State and Federal (1897); a brief Life of Alexander Hamilton (1901); Americans of 1776 (1906); and Ideals of the Republic (1908). He published in 1913 a seventh volume of his History of the United States of America under the Constitution, covering the period of reconstruction (1865–1871). The original plan of his work had been enlarged by the publication in 1899 of a sixth volume, covering the period 1861–65.