American actor, born in Troy, NY; taught school in his young days, and made his first appearance on the stage at the Troy Museum when about twenty years of age. Afterward he appeared in Albany, and then went South and West, appearing during the tour in Cleveland, OH, in the famous company of John Ellsler. The troubles incident to the Civil War forced him to give up a part of his Southern trip, and he returned North, and joined the company of the Continental Theater in Boston, where he was very successful as Dick Swiveller in a dramatization of The Old Curiosity Shop. He joined the company of Augustin Daly in 1869, and for over a quarter of a century was identified with the superb productions of that manager, his Touchstone being considered by many as his best personation, though the low comedy r&244;le of the modern plays produced by Daly always was raised to the plane of the artistic by Mr. Lewis’s rare gifts as a comedian, He died at West Hampton, Long Island, on the 10th of September 1896.