American lawyer and political leader, born at Dayton, OH, on the 12th of June 1833. He studied law at Cincinnati, OH, and served on the Federal side in the Civil War, becoming colonel in November 1862; he was mustered out in May 1864, and in March 1865 was breveted brigadier-general of volunteers. He was district-attorney for the second Judicial District of Iowa in 1866–1870 and an assessor of internal revenue in Iowa in 1863–1873; and was a representative in Congress in 1879–1881 and in 1885–1889, being elected by a Greenback-Democratic fusion. In 1880 he was the candidate of the Greenback party for president and received a popular vote of 308,578; and in 1892 he was the candidate of the People’s party, and received 22 electoral votes and a popular vote of 1,041,021. He died at Des Moines, IA, on the 6th of February 1912.