Bulgarian poet and writer, born at Sopot in Bulgaria in 1850, and received his first education in the Sopot village school. Later on, he went to Russia to continue his studies. His first literary efforts took the form of essays and songs describing the sorrows of the Bulgars under Turkish rule, their hopes for a free united Bulgaria, their disappointment when the Treaty of Berlin divided the Bulgarian people once again. His most important work is the novel Pod Igoto (Under the Yoke), which has been translated into many European languages. Pod Igoto gives a simple and convincing picture of village life in Turkish times and of the heroes of the struggle for freedom. Among Vazov’s other works are The New Graves of Slivnitza (Serbo-Bulgarian War of 1885–86); The Kazalarska Czaritza; Borislav and Towards the Abyss, two of his best plays. Vazov, who identified himself with the sufferings and joys of the people, is honoured throughout the country as the national poet and as a true patriot. His jubilee was officially celebrated in 1920 and he was awarded a pension from the State. He was the first Bulgarian writer whose works had been read outside Bulgaria. He died at Sofia on the 22nd of September 1921.