[Isidore Alexander Augustin].  French historical painter, born in Paris on the 13th of July 1813; was a pupil of François Picot, and graduated at the L’École des Beaux-Arts. He won the prix de Rome in 1838 with his St. Peter Healing the Cripple at the Gate of the Temple. His work has been called “coarse and vulgar,” but he was popular, as the honors showered upon him prove. He received numerous medals; was made an officer of the Legion of Honor in 1867; elected a member of the Institute in 1868, and became professor of painting at his school. Among his works are Death of Mary Magdalene (1847); Rouget de l’Isle Singing the Marseillaise for the First Time, one of his best efforts (1849); A Trench Before Sebastopol (1855); Disembarking of French Troops in the Crimea (1858); Defile of Zouaves in the Trench before Sabastopol (1859); Battle of Alma, perhaps the work by which he will be most remembered (1861). He died on the 2nd of September 1875.