American explorer of the Arctic regions, born in Chester County, PA, on the 5th of March 1832; graduated as M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania, 1853. The same year he sailed as surgeon of the second Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, and was the first civilized man to place foot on Grinnell Land. In 1860 he sailed in command of the schooner United States, and claimed to have reached a point which he called Cape Lieber, in lat. 81° 35′ N., long. 70° 30′ W. Some explorers think that his calculations were incorrect, and that he reached Cape Joseph Good, about lat. 80° 15′ N., long. 70° W. In 1869 Hayes again entered the Arctic Circle, in the Panther. During the Civil War he was surgeon of volunteers, and attained the brevet rank of lieutenant-colonel. He received gold medals from the London and Paris Geographical Societies. He published An Arctic Boat Journey (1860); The Open Polar Sea (1867); Cast Away in the Cold: A Story of Arctic Adventure for Boys (1868); and The Land of Desolation (1871). He died in New York City on the 17th of December 1881.