American public man, born in Erie County, NY, in 1827. In 1843 he emigrated to Wisconsin, but in 1852 returned to his New York home, and was admitted to the bar of that state. In 1867 he removed to Iowa and settled at Waterloo, in Blackhawk County. He acted with the Republican party during the period of the Civil War, and up to 1880; but in the last-named year became dissatisfied with the tariff plank of the state Republican platform, and in 1883 broke away from the Republican party, when the Iowa state convention pronounced for prohibition. In 1884 he canvassed the state of Iowa for Cleveland, and in 1889 was elected governor on the Democratic ticket, being the first Democratic governor of that state in thirty years. He was re-elected in 1891. At the Democratic National Convention held in Chicago in 1892 Governor Boies’s name was proposed by his state delegation as a candidate for the Presidency.