Son of the preceding, and like him originally Marcus Julius Agrippa; born about A.D. 27, and received the tetrarchy of Chalcis and the oversight of the Temple on the death of his uncle Herod, A.D. 48. In A.D. 53 he was deprived of that kingdom by Claudius, who gave him other provinces instead of it. In the war which Vespasian carried on against the Jews Herod sent him 2,000 men, by which it appears that, though a Jew in religion, he was yet entirely devoted to the Romans, whose assistance indeed he required to secure the peace of his own kingdom. He died at Rome in the third year of Trajan, A.D. 100. He was the seventh and last king of the family of Herod the Great. It was before him and his sister Berenice that St. Paul pleaded his cause at Cæsarea (Acts xxvi.). He supplied Josephus with information for his history.