[Hermann Joachim].  Danish author, born of a noble family in the island of Zealand. When he was twenty he published two volumes of critical essays on the realistic movement. In 1880 he published his novel Haablöse Slaegter (“Families without hope”), which at once aroused attention. After some time spent in travel and a successful lecturing tour in Norway and Sweden, he settled in Copenhagen, and produced a series of novels and collections of short stories, which placed him in the front rank of Scandinavian novelists. Among his more famous stories are Faedra (1883) and Tine (1889). The latter won for its author the friendship of Ibsen and the enthusiastic admiration of Jonas Lie. Among his other works are the following:—Det hvide Hus (The White House, 1898), Excentriske Noveller (1885), Stille Eksistenzer (1886), Liv og Död (Life and Death, 1899), Englen Michael (1902), a volume of poems (1889) and of recollections (Ti Aar, 1891). In 1910 a volume of essays appeared, Masker og Mennesker, followed in 1911 by a volume of short stories, En deilig Dag. His collected works were published in six volumes in Copenhagen and Christiania (1912). He died on the 20th of January 1912.


  See F. Poppenberg, Nordiske Porträts—Hermann Bang (1912).