American general, born at Delphi, Onondaga county, NY, on the 24th of September, and graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1852. He resigned from the army in 1856 to practise law at Syracuse, NY, and in 1859 he was a member of the state Assembly. When the Civil War broke out he became colonel (May 1861) of the 27th New York Volunteers, and was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers (Aug. 1861) and major-general of volunteers (July 1862). He fought in all the Virginia campaigns from the first battle of Bull Run, where he led a regiment, to Gettysburg, where he commanded the XII. corps. With that corps he was transferred in the autumn of 1863 under Hooker’s command to the Tennessee Valley, and took part in the battle of Chattanooga. He remained with the Army of the Cumberland after his corps was merged into that of Hooker, took part in the Atlanta campaign, and after Hooker’s retirement succeeded to the command of the XX. corps (late XI. and XII.). He commanded the Atlanta garrison, and with Sherman took part in the “march to the sea,” and subsequently in the Carolinas campaign from Savannah to Goldsboro, as commander of the left wing. He resigned from the army in September 1865, resumed professional practice at Brooklyn, and was a Democratic representative in Congress in 1869–1873 and again in 1883–1885. In 1876–1884 he was president of the Brooklyn city board of public works. He died at Brooklyn on the 14th of April 1894. A monument of General Slocum by Frederick MacMonnies was unveiled at Brooklyn, NY, on the 30th of May 1905.