American author; born in Boston, MA, on the 20th of April 1813. Because of ill-health he was compelled to abandon the prospect of a collegiate education, seeking restoration in European travel. The Italian Sketch Book (1835) resulted from his residence abroad. Upon his return to America he resumed his academical studies, and finally devoted himself exclusively to letters, contributing to magazines and various other literary publications many essays and criticisms, characterized by scholarly attainments and a refined taste. Among his works may be cited Rambles and Reveries (1841); Artist Life: or, Sketches of American Painters (1847); A Month in England (1853); Memorial of Horatio Greenough (1853); Leaves from the Diary of a Dreamer (1853); Life of John Pendleton Kennedy (1871); etc. He died in New York City on the 17th of December 1871. See also “A Defense of Enthusiasm,” “The First American Novelist”; Literary Criticism.