[Félix Henry].  French poet and playwright, born at Nîmes on the 4th of April 1872, and educated at the lycée Henri IV. at Paris and the lycée Janson de Sailly. He brought out his first play, La Belle au bois dormant, in 1894 and his first volume of poetry, La Chambre blanche, in 1895. His dramatic work includes La Lépreuse (1896); Ton Sang and L’Enchantement (1900); Le Masque and Resurrection (1902); Maman Colibri (1904); La Marche Nuptiale (1905); Poliche (1906); Les Flambeaux (1912); Le Phalène (1913). Among his later poems may be mentioned La Divine Tragédie (1916) and La Quadrature de l’Amour (1920). Notre Image, in which Réjane made one of her last appearances, Les Sœurs d’Amour (1919), L’Homme à la Rose (1920) and La Tendresse (1921), are among his recent successful plays.