French dramatist, born at Naples in 1827; studied in Paris at the College of Charlemagne and at the Massin Institute. In collaboration with M. Édouard Devicque, he produced a large number of dramas, including Cæsar Borgia (1855); Marie Stuart (1856); Les Deux Faubouriens (1857); Giroflé Girofla (1858); and afterward, independently, or with others, Le Démon du Jeu (1863); M. et Mme. Fernel (1864); Le Passé de M. Jouanne (1865); Les Loups et les Agneaux (1868); Les Postillions de Fougerolles (1873); L’Idole (1875); Lord Harrington (1879); Le Bonnet le Coton (1881); Une Perle (1882); etc. With Gustave Aimard he has published Les Invisibles de Paris, a series of romances (1867).