Mexican patriot, and the first President of the republic, born in Durango, and substituted the name “Guadalupe Victoria” for Manuel Félix Fernández, his legitimate patronymic, to commemorate a victory over the Spaniards. The scene of his military operations was for some years limited to the province of Vera Cruz and vicinity. In 1821 he joined Iturbide, who, on becoming emperor imprisoned him. He subsequently escaped, and, joining Santa Anna, became commander of Vera Cruz and assisted in the overthrow of Iturbide. He was a member of the provisional government formed in March 1823, and on October 10, 1824, was elected President of the republic. The most notable feature of his administration was the abolition of slavery, September 16, 1825. Upon the conclusion of his term of office, April 1, 1829, Victoria retired to private life and died at Perote on the 21st of March 1843.