Italian general, born at Naples, Italy, in 1810. He graduated, in the royal navy, from the College of the Nunziatella. Arrested in 1833 for not having revealed what he knew about a conspiracy, he was detained in jail six months. In 1845 he had reached the rank of captain. In 1848, when the Austro-Sardinian war broke out, he took part in it with distinction, going north with a corps of Neapolitan volunteers to create a diversion against the Austrians. In May, 1848, he was elected Deputy to the Parliament of Naples, and one year later to the National Assembly of Venice. When reaction set in in his native country, he had to leave, and from 1849 to 1859 he resided in Paris. During the campaign of 1859 he was placed in command of the Tuscan volunteers, and fought for Italian unity. He wrote Instructions on Shooting, for Artillerymen, Naples, Political and Military, etc. He died in Florence on the 11th of April 1891.