Italian musical composer, born at Venice, a pupil of his uncle Andrea, a distinguished musician of the contrapuntal school and organist of St. Mark’s. He succeeded Claudio Merulo as first organist of the same church in 1585, and died at Venice either in 1612 or 1613. He was remarkable for his compositions for several choirs, writing frequently for twelve or sixteen voices, and is important as an early experimenter in chromatic harmony. It was probably for this reason that he made a special point of combining voices with instruments, being thus one of the founders of choral and orchestral composition. Among his pupils was Heinrich Schütz; and the church of St. Mark, from the time of the Gabrielis onwards down to that of Lotti, became one of the most important musical schools in Europe.


  See also Winterfeld, Johann Gabrieli und seine Zeit (1834).